Program Description
Executive directors, and senior leaders
Series of graduate-level seminars on developmental leadership
Evening and following day every six weeks (total of 7 seminars).
Amplify organization impact by developing leadership capacity in organizations
Cost TBD
The Fellowship provides non-formal, graduate-level training through a highly collaborative experience with senior leaders. Each year’s cohort will consist of eight to twelve executive leaders selected for influence, aptitude, and impact. Each of the six modules will engage participants in a series of key ideas about developmental leadership. This curriculum will be accompanied by interaction, reflection, and guided application for current and future opportunities to develop leaders.
Each Fellow will focus on two projects. One will center on the Fellow’s current management team and volunteers. The other will be shaped as a modest consulting project with a partner organization. These projects will provide the Fellows with a lab to practice and apply learning and to design new and innovative strategies. Each Fellow will also receive peer coaching, individualized instruction, and the benefits of ongoing conversations with the entire cohort.
Characteristics of the Program
Learning is done within a cadre of peers, providing support and ongoing peer relationships.
Extending throughout a year to provide time for true development.
Bringing the best ideas of leadership development, and then putting them into practice throughout the year.
Starting where each leader is, and designing the way forward in a customized and contextual process.
The work each participant accomplishes during the year pushes at the growing edge of leadership.
Over the course of the year, strong relationships are built to encourage and challenge growth.
The content is a distillation of a graduate-level course in leadership and material from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
Effective leadership development strategy for each organization.
Increased organizational capacity to develop leaders.
Expertise in key models and practices of developmental leadership.
Practical skills to design and apply strategic innovations for leadership multiplication.
Sustainable habits of collaborative learning among a community of peers.
Personal development related to the tasks and responsibility of developing people.
Module 1 - How to develop a strategy for leadership development
The first module is an introduction to developmental leadership. We propose a theory of Developmental Leadership to compare and contrast with Transmission and Expression leadership platforms. We explore the key ideas of Developmentalism, and apply techniques from four primary approaches (command, control, person, process) for developmental ends. (Reading: Wise Woman)
Model A – Developmental Streams
Situating a developmental approach to leadership to compare and contrast with prevailing notions of leadership development, exploring common strategies and examining the undergirding causes and consequences of each.
Model B – Heart Triangle
Developing the notion of durable and well-rounded change in human beings to help us aim for the right kind of intended impact through leadership development.
Module 2 -- How to lead for adaptive growth and development
In the second module, we turn our attention to adaptive growth and development, applying the ideas of adaptive leadership to the tasks of leading people through adaptive rather than technical. (Reading: Leadership on the Line pt. 1)
Model C – Adaptive Leadership
Engaging with a series of critical ideas for leadership designed to develop organizations instead of manage the status quo—get on the balcony, diagnose the adaptive challenge, orchestrate the conflict, manage the heat, analyze the stakeholders, provide a holding environment, give the work back, deploy yourself, etc.
Module 3 -- How to keep people moving productively toward greater capacity and impact
The third module explores the application of stage theory for leadership development, working with the notions of horizontal and vertical decalage and their implications for engineering paths of progress in others. This module also works with the idea of immunity to change and interacts with Robert Kegan’s techniques to explain how competing commitments and big assumptions complicate progress both for the leader and those she or he leads. (Reading: Immunity to Change)
Model D – Vertical and Horizontal Decalage
Designing steps of progress along a 6-pt vertical decalage and providing the dynamic combination of elements to produce vertical decalage to help us engineer interventions and applications to influence and move people.
Model E – Immunity to Change
Exploring a set of ideas and an exercise to provide a way for seeing what is keeping ourselves and others from making progress along our growing edge.
Module 4 -- How to lead for systemic and organizational change
In module 4, we return to the ideas of adaptive leadership and apply them to organizational development and the organization’s growing edge. We explore systemic change that is adaptive and utilize stakeholder analysis and the immunity map to design the way forward for our organizations.
Model C (reprise) – Adaptive Leadership
Applying adaptive leadership to organizational and systems change.
Model E (reprise) – Immunity to Change
Applying the model of immunity to change to systemic and organizational development.
Module 5 -- How to develop a personal philosophy of leadership
In module 5, we synthesize the learning and experiments throughout the year, using the Dialogue Boxes model to craft an approach to leadership that articulates intended impact, best means, premises, and ultimate aim. We will also seek to generate a robust notion of what it means to aim for developing leadership in others.
Model F – Dialogue Boxes
Providing a basis for thinking intentionally about leadership development and designing effective approaches to developing capacity in others.
Module 6 -- How to sustain a culture of leadership
Module 6 provides us with an opportunity to learn from each other through the internal projects and the consulting and coaching each Fellow has exercised throughout the course of the program.
Module 7 -- Philosophy of leadership revisited
Module 7 provides an opportunity for synthesis of learning and design for the future steps of individual and organizational integration.